Feb 3, 2025 - SUMMARY
Introduction to the Navajo Alphabet using the vowels and Pronunciations
Today is Monday, or as we say in our language in Navajo, Damį́įgo Biiskání, Domį́į́go Biiskání, or Damį́įgo Biiskání, which roughly translates to "the next day."
The Navajo Nation Department of Diné Education (NN DODE) is proud to present an overview of the Navajo Sound System, highlighting the sounds of the Navajo language as spoken by many of our Diné people. Our primary goal here at NN DODE is to provide a valuable resource for Navajo employees and the community while contributing to a broader understanding of our Diné language.
Today, we will take some time to explain the Navajo vowel sound system, along with the various marks you may see on the vowels a, e, i, and o. The Navajo language includes short vowels, long vowels, diphthongs, extended vowel clusters, consonants, high tones, nasal tones, and glottal marks (glottal stops). But for now, we will cover the Navajo vowels in short vowels: a, e, i, o and long vowels: aa, ee, ii, oo.